How to deal with the Inner Critic - (Overcoming Bad Inner Voices) -
Inner Critic, we all have one and for some of us is really big, difficult and mean. In my first 2 videos I talked about Courage and Criticism but who do you think is the worst critic? Ourself! For years people have been trying to understand the inner critic and it depends on our personality but sometimes it can stop us to do projects, great things and trying to make our life most comfortable as possible where courage, connection, vulnerability are his enemies.
I call my inner critic a voice, mine is called Bad Fabio and I talked on my speech Believe In Yourself 3 years ago when I was in Chicago for the World Champion Public Speaking. Bad Fabio ( my inner critic ) stopped me to do so many things for so many years, of course my Bad Fabio was growing "thanks my family, friends and many people who criticised so much me and my decisions but the problem was not them, it was Bad Fabio who wants to believe on this critic.
I know, the biggest enemy or the biggest supporter in Life is YOU. It's a complicated relationship, probably the most difficult one but you can make yourself as best friend and after everything will change it. To do this you will have to externalise it. What we mean by this is get your inner critic out of your head. You can do this by continuing to write down what it says.
You may want to draw an image of your inner critic (and you don’t need to be an artist to do this). Taking a look at the ‘thing’ that’s been bullying you can diminish its power. It can also help you understand it. Seeing your inner critic as an ‘it’ – as something separate from you – is the first step to stop identifying with it. Reframe your relationship with your inner critic You don’t need to compliantly follow the will of your inner critic. You are your own person.
Consider that the inner critic might be there for a purpose. Sometimes your inner critic may have a point: it may be a sounding board, a devil’s advocate, a protection against something awful or destructive. Tune into it. Hear what it has to say. Finally, make up your own mind about what you think, feel and do.