How to deal with criticism
In this video I talk about how to deal with criticism and to differentiate from constructive criticism to destructive criticism. I’m a big fun for constructive criticism but if you are going to make nasty comments, it’s ok but I’m not interested on the comments. I use the “I don’t care attitude”, a bit difficult but you can do it but at the same time we can have friends who are taught on us but they are doing the best for us, so If the criticism is constructive, then it's intended to guide you and to help you improve as a person, not to bring you down and make you feel inadequate.
I talk about our relationship whit the ego and sometimes, we should say bye bye ( metaphorically ) to our ego because the constructive criticism could make us to growth. Thank the person for being honest (if he's also being kind). If you have received some criticism that was delivered in a friendly and helpful way, or just in a way that was meant to be honest and clear, then take the time to thank the person and to say that you appreciate the fact that the person told you something that can make you an even better friend, girlfriend, student, or professional .Thanking people who give you honest criticism is also a sign of maturity. Suck it up and say "thank you" even if you're gritting your teeth.
Sometimes we are criticised with no justification. This is a painful experience. But, potentially we can deal with it more easily than criticism which is justified. One option is to remain aloof and ignore it completely. We should feel that false criticism is as insignificant as an ant trying to harm an elephant. If we remain silent and detached the criticism is given no energy. If we feel the necessity of fighting it – in a way, we give it more importance than it deserves. By remaining silent we maintain a dignity that others will come to respect.Don’t Respond Immediately, It is best to wait a little before responding.
If we respond with feelings of anger or injured pride we will soon regret it. If we wait patiently it can enable us to reflect in a calmer way. Smiling, even a false smile, can helps us to relax more. It creates a more positive vibration and smoothes the situation. It will definitely help psychologically. Smiling will motivate the other person to moderate their approach.