The importance of laughing
Laughing is fundamental in life and there are so many reason. I always love a good laugh when we are so obsessed by our problems. In this talk, I explain why is it so important? I explain the reasons of why and some stories on how my LGBTQ community respond on problems and we are really strong on how to solve issues.
LAUGHTER MAY REDUCE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. LAUGHTER CAN REDUCE ANXIETY AND OTHER NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. LAUGHTER IS AN IMMUNE BOOSTER LAUGHTER MAY ACT AS A NATURAL ANTI-DEPRESSANT : In the talk , i made a mistake, not 8 weeks but 8 sessions called The laugher therapy, which the subjects undertook over eight sessions, for 40 minutes twice a week, included "singing funny songs, laughing for diversion, stretching, playing with hands and dance routines, laughing exercises, healthy clapping, and laughing aloud." LAUGHTER CALMS STRESS HORMONES SOCIAL LAUGHTER CAN RELIEVE PAIN As you can see, Laughter is so important, I know it's hard in this period but when we are really stressed, think about something made you laugh so much or watching silly movies, tv series, or good friends who make you happy.
LGBTQ people have to fight for their rights and courage is one the most important value.In my channel, I will talk about LGBTQ culture, issues, fears and how to overcome them, motivation ,relationships, dating, love and more, more and moreeee
Remember " Be true to you"