"Echoes of Connection: My Journey Through Clubhouse – From Inspiration to Intimidation

Dear Clubhouse,

This is my first time writing to a social network, but I feel compelled to share my story in the hope that it might help others prepare emotionally for what they might encounter on this platform.

Clubhouse is unlike any other app. It offered me a lifeline during the isolating days of the pandemic, connecting me with incredible people from around the world. It became a place where I found community, laughter, and deep conversations, especially within the LGBTQIA+ rooms that felt like a safe haven. I am forever grateful to people like @DanielleLismore, who created spaces of love and activism that lifted me and so many others up.

But, as with all stories, not everything was perfect. My experience on Clubhouse took a dark turn that has left me deeply hurt and disappointed. After a break from the app, I returned, only to find a toxic atmosphere, particularly in the Italian rooms. What I encountered was shocking—an environment rife with machismo, homophobia, and racism. The kind of hate that our community continues to fight against every day.

One night, in what should have been a fun, casual conversation, I was subjected to relentless bullying. A man in the room started calling me "fag" from the chat—a word that haunted me throughout my school years, where I was bullied daily for over a decade. The moderators of the room, people I trusted, not only allowed this man to continue but invited him to the stage, where he spewed more hateful slurs. I was hurt, angry, and, to my shame, I reacted with language that embarrassed me. But in that moment, I felt like a 12-year-old boy again, standing defenseless in the face of bullies who took pleasure in my pain.

I’m telling this story because it’s a stark reminder of the need for safety and inclusion in all our digital spaces. Social networks are a significant part of our lives, and the friendships we build there can be as real and meaningful as any in person. But when these platforms fail to protect us, when they allow hate to fester unchecked, the impact can be devastating.

I work with companies on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, but these principles should extend to every corner of our digital lives. Imagine if, instead of me, a young 20-year-old gay man had faced that abuse. What might have happened to him?

To @Clubhouse, I urge you to invest in more diversity and inclusion training, to take reports of abuse seriously, and to ensure that your platform is a safe space for everyone. I’ve had beautiful moments on this app that I will always cherish, but the pain I’ve endured here cannot be ignored.

Thank you, Clubhouse, for the good times. But we must do better—for everyone.


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