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Virgin StartUp Founder, Fabio De Sio on how to support LGBTQ+communities in the workplace


As a gay man, I’ve had my fair share of discrimination, not only socially, but also in my career. Perhaps it was my experiences as a young employee,that led to my life’s mission - to promote equality and diversity in the workplace, for LGBTQ+ people.


Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community, comes with it’s fair share of heartaches. Too often it can involve difficulties gaining employment, being included and having equal chances of for career progression as everyone else. When that happens life takes on an added level of suffering. Our work is not just our job; it is the way in which we ensure we have a fundamental level of security. It is also the way we can find meaning and purpose through our contribution to business and to society.


Fabio de Sio Business Mentoring and Public Speaking was born out of the realisation that companies need to be supported to actively promote equality of opportunity, inclusivity of experience, and a respect for diversity. There has to be more than sweeping statements, orcompany policies tucked away in files, somewhere.


LGBTQ+ is not a label – it is a way of life.


As such, businesses need to do more than offer just a casual acceptance. Leaders must ensure that LGBTQ+ employees, get the same opportunities for career advancement as non-LGBTQ+. This benefits everyone. Businesses are most successful when employment and advancement are

based merit and level of expertise, rather than sexual preferences.

To encourage diversity, managers and leaders need to show that they value LGBTQ+ employees, and their contributions. There are key waysthis can be achieved. I have listed several of these in my Top Tips for LGBTQ+ friendly businesses (below), which are formed on the basis ofsound research, as well as my own experiences of working with companies in the UK.



1.        Develop a system of strategies for an inclusive LGBTQ+ work culture. Utilise pro- LGBTQ+ inclusive policiesand staff training:


To build awareness that people are diverse, and that diversity is a positive factor in all businesses.

Include as part of an induction process.

Include as part of the career development process.

Include In staff meetings to address concerns as they arise, where appropriate

As part of zero-tolerance of gender bullying and non-inclusive discriminatory behaviour. To promote team and social inclusion.


2.         Encourage LGBTQ+ managers and leaders:


Who are ‘out’ to communicate this so other employees feel more comfortable ‘outing’ themselves.

To promote engagement between LGBTQ+ and Non LGBTQ+ employees, to build awareness and understanding of the issues.

To use Pro-LGBTQ+ initiatives, such as encouraging inclusive pronouns in all communications.


3.         Develop a culture of Allyship:


Allies networking, and allies speaking up to support LGBTQ+ colleagues, when they note non- inclusive behaviour by others in the workplace.


To celebrate pride 2021, I created a Flash Mob. You can watch the full video here!


Fabio De Sio | Founder of Fabio de Sio LGBTQ Business Mentoring and Public Speaking





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